Facts and must-know things about cannabis in Amsterdam

Exploring Cannabis culture in Amsterdam: all you have to know to prepare yourself for your next adventure

Amsterdam is known as the ultimate destination for travelers seeking a one-of-a-kind cannabis experience. Thanks to its vibrant history and culture, in fact, the Dutch capital globally stands as a symbol of tolerance, which makes it a sought-after destination for Cannabis enthusiasts. 🌿

Stopping at a Dolphins Coffeeshop is a must for everyone who is visiting the city! However, smoking weed in Amsterdam might not be exactly as everyone imagines…

Are you planning a trip to the city? You’d better read this complete guide, to enjoy the experience at your best! 👇

A Brief History Lesson: Why Amsterdam is Cannabis-Friendly

Amsterdam’s appreciated liberal approach to Cannabis consumption dates back to the 1920s. At that time, in fact, in the Netherlands colonies this extraordinary plant was used in medicine and in religious rituals, as a legal and well-established social custom. This way, the colonies certainly played a starring role in shaping the Dutch attitude towards the plant.

While the cultural acceptance of the plant in Amsterdam dates back decades, it’s only in the 1970s that the government began to adopt the first policies to regulate drug consumption. So, it was introduced the first distinction between soft and hard drugs, which can lead to more severe health risks. On this basis, in the 1980s the government took a decisive step by stopping to legally pursue weed and hashish consumption, acknowledged as less harmful substances.                  

So is cannabis legal in Amsterdam today? Yes, but only in the coffee shops.

Amsterdam Coffee Shops: All You Have To Know Before You Go

Amsterdam offers a huge variety of the now-iconic coffee shops that have become an integral part of the city. There, you can enjoy a vibrant and chill atmosphere, while relaxing and savoring the best selection of cannabis preparation, in a legal and safe context. If you have scheduled a trip to Amsterdam, you can’t miss it!

Coffeeshops in Amsterdam

So is cannabis legal in Amsterdam today? Yes, but only in the q123323232Dolphins Coffeeshops.

Amsterdam Dolphins Coffeeshops: All You Have To Know Before You Go

Amsterdam offers a huge variety of the now-iconic Dolphins Coffeeshops that have become an integral part of the city. There, you can enjoy a vibrant and chill atmosphere, while relaxing and savoring the best selection of cannabis preparation, in a legal and safe context. If you have scheduled a trip to Amsterdam, you can’t miss it!

But don’t think Dolphins Coffeeshops are just fun and games. On the contrary, they follow specific government regulations and you’d better familiarize yourself with them before you go!

· You must be at least 18 or, in certain cases, 21 to enter a Dolphins Coffeeshop. Always, carry with you your ID document. They will check it! 🔞

· You are allowed to buy no more than 5 grams daily. 🌿

· You are not allowed to consume alcohol and tobacco inside, but you can always smoke cigarettes outdoors. 🍹

· Hard drugs are prohibited. ☠️

By respecting these rules, you make sure to live an exceptional cannabis experience and help maintain a harmonious environment for all the patrons.

Since Amsterdam’s weed is very strong, always remember to check with the staff if it’s your first time. Among a variety of available options, their expertise will lead you to a better experience.

Diverse Cannabis Coffeeshops

Must-Try Strains: A World of Flavors and Effects

Now, let’s dive deep into the green goddess realm! 🏰

What is Cannabis? Cannabis is a versatile plant, which comes with a wide array of varieties, each one with their own aroma and effects. When faced with the big offer of the Dolphins Coffeeshop, this can probably make the choice a bit challenging for you, so let’s try to untangle the knot! 🧶

The first thing you have to know is that there are three main strains: Sativa, Indica and Ruderalis.

· Sativa: this genetic originated in hot and humid areas of the world and is responsible for the “high effect”. It increases energy, creativity and euphoria, bringing a sense of mind-body wellbeing.

· Indica: this strain comes from hot and dry areas of the world and is responsible for the “stone effect”, that is to say a more body grounded one. It is popular for therapeutic use: due to its amazing relaxing properties, it is crucial in treatment for inflammation and neurological diseases.

· Ruderalis: this is the third and less known Cannabis strain. It originated in Asia and Eastern Europe and today keeps growing spontaneously. Its concentration, poor in THC and high in CBD, allows its uses in medicine to fight anxiety or seizures.


So, what are the effects of cannabis? As we learned, they vary depending on the strain! Now that you know a bit more about it, you can choose the best for you!

Indeed, selecting the strain is only the beginning of your sensorial journey of Cannabis. Ever wondered why certain stashes excite you more than others? Of course, because the aroma contributes to awake memories and emotions. Everyone has his own personal response to the scent and here is why in the realm of Cannabis, aroma reigns supreme. 😋

So, what are the effects of cannabis? As we learned, they vary depending on the strain! Now that you know a bit more about it, you can choose the best for you!

Indeed, selecting the strain is only the beginning of your sensorial journey of Cannabis. Ever wondered why certain stashes excite you more than others? Of course, because the aroma contributes to awake memories and emotions. Everyone has his own personal response to the scent and here is why in the realm of Cannabis, aroma reigns supreme. 😋

Wanna know more? The diverse Cannabis scent is given by the plant’s biomolecules, known as terpenes. Each terpene has a particular and characteristic flavor but can also mix with other varieties to give birth to more complex tastes. You can choose among fruity or floral stash, but that’s not all!

Nowadays, passion, creativity and innovation are leading to an even more customizable cannabis selection of aromas. This trend is particularly established in Amsterdam, thanks to its progressive approach toward cannabis. So, don’t be surprised if you come into a Dolphins Coffeeshop and find flavors like Oreo Cookie, Peanut Butter, Caramello or Ice cream. Yep, you are not dreaming! 😍

The versatility of Cannabis plants applies also to the way of consumption. Alongside smoking joints, there are other methods, such as vaporizing, that is to say heating flowers without burning it,  and edibles. What are edibles? Cannabis food preparations that take more time to come into play. 🧁

Tips and Advice for First-Timers

If you are a Weed curious, but have little or no experience in smoking it, you’d better follow some tips that will make your first Cannabis experience a positive, enjoyable and relaxed journey!

Firstly, relax and surround yourself with people you trust: this will help make you feel at ease. 👫

Start with choosing the right strain: as we see before, not all are the same! Cannabis flowers can vary for aroma and effects. So, you can ask the staff to prepare you a mild strain, not too high in THC. This is responsible for the high effect. Therefore, a good practice for the beginners is to consider some CBD enriched strain, since cannabidiol has no psychoactive effect and so can modulate the percentage of THC.

Then, take your time. Light up your joint, give a smoke and put it down for a moment. It will take some minutes before THC heads to the brain and you start feeling the effects. Pay attention to the edibles: you might expect up to thirty minutes! Keep on with your stash, just if you feel comfortable! If you don’t, remember it’s ok to take a break. ⏸️

The first time, you could experience coughing. Stay calm: it’s totally normal! It will decrease with the time, but you can help by drinking water. 💧

However, an over-consumption of Cannabis can lead to more serious issues, such as migraine, anxiety, palpitation and other. So, whether you are a beginner or not, make sure to know and respect your limits: only in this way you will enjoy a safe experience. ⚠️

With these points in mind… fasten your seatbelts and let’s go! Your next Cannabis adventure awaits you. 🚀

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